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"もっと"限界まで語りつくす! My Favoriteポケカ Azul Garcia Griego(アズール・ガルシア・グレイゴ)さん


連載企画「"もっと"限界まで語り尽くす! My Favoriteポケカ」では、あの有名人やポケカ四天王など様々な人たちから話を聞いて、「My Favoriteポケカ」、すなわち「ポケモンカードゲームの中で気に入っているカード」を、回ごとにテーマを設けながら紹介してもらいます。

今回は、自分の参加したポケモンWCSの大会で使われた「My Favoriteポケカ」というテーマで、Azul Garcia Griego(アズール・ガルシア・グレイゴ)さんにお話しをお伺いしました!

Azul Garcia Griego(アズール・ガルシア・グレイゴ)
アメリカ合衆国在住のポケカプレイヤー。プレイヤーとしてポケモンWCSやThe Pokémon International Championshipsなどで好成績をおさめるほか、Pokémon Regional Championshipsではコメンテーターとしての出演経験も多数持つ。



アズール・ガルシア・グレイゴ(Azul Garcia Griego)といいます。アメリカ在住です。AzulGGという名前を使っています。2010年、15才のときにポケモンカードをはじめました。現在はポケモンカードの競技選手をしながら、ポケモンカードの記事や動画制作を行っています。

――ありがとうございます。さっそくですが、Azul選手ご自身の参加されたポケモンWCSの大会で使われた「My Favoriteポケカ」と、そのポケモンWCSで強く印象に残っている試合などを教えていただけますでしょうか。

2019年に開催された「ポケモンWCS2019」の予選第2ラウンドで、その前年度の世界チャンピオンだったロビンシュルツ(Robin Shultz)選手との対戦です。その試合で一番印象に残っているカードが、フリーザーGXです。













――Azul Garcia Griego(アズール・ガルシア・グレイゴ)選手、ありがとうございました!



Please introduce yourself.

My name is Azul Garcia Griego, also known as AzulGG, and I live in the US. I started playing the Pokémon TCG in 2010 when I was 15, and my occupation is a Pokémon TCG content creator and competitor.

Which was a Pokémon TCG match at a Pokémon World Championships that you found the most impressive or memorable? What was the most memorable card used in that match? For added context, the match can be one that you participated in or one that you watched during the event. The memorable card is preferably limited to one standout example, but if needed, you are welcome to cite multiple cards.

It was during the 2019 Pokémon World Championships in Round 2 vs. the previous year's Pokémon TCG World Champion Robin Shultz. The most memorable card in the match was Articuno-GX.

Why did you choose that card?

The card was a very big part to the deck I was playing as it helped pull off the board lock that the deck was trying to set up.

How did you use that card strategically?

Normally the card is used to remove your opponent's energy from play with its GX attack, but in this match my opponent played themselves down to only one card left in the deck, thinking that they would win the game next turn by knocking out anything on my board. However, the Articuno-GX had just a little bit too much HP for them to KO, so I used its ability to put it into the active spot, and my opponent ended up decking out.

What deck did you use in that match?

I played Pidgey Control.

What are some of your favorite memories about the Pokémon TCG?

Any event that I have ever won is always a great memory, but I would say even greater than those is just the memories of seeing and hanging out with all the friends I have met in the game.

Is there any message you would like to share with Pokémon TCG players in Japan?

I'm always very interested in seeing what the Japanese players bring to tournaments because I feel like their deck-building is so different from the rest of the world, so I would say keep doing what you guys have been doing as far as the way you build decks because it makes the game that much more interesting.
