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"もっと"限界まで語りつくす! My Favoriteポケカ Tord Reklev(トード・レクレフ)さん


連載企画「"もっと"限界まで語り尽くす! My Favoriteポケカ」では、あの有名人やポケカ四天王など様々な人たちから話を聞いて、「My Favoriteポケカ」、すなわち「ポケモンカードゲームの中で気に入っているカード」を、回ごとにテーマを設けながら紹介してもらいます。

今回は、自分の参加したポケモンWCSの大会で使われた「My Favoriteポケカ」というテーマで、Tord Reklev(トード・レクレフ)さんにお話しをお伺いしました!

Tord Reklev
Tord Reklev
ノルウェー在住のポケカプレイヤー。North America International Championships、Europe International Championships、Oceania International Championshipsのそれぞれで優勝経験を持つ。「ポケモンWCS2019」ではTop4に入賞する。



はじめまして。Tord Reklev(トード・レクレフ)といいます。ノルウェーのトロンハイムという町に住んでいます。みんなからTord(トード)と呼ばれていて、動画サイトでも「TordTCG」という名前で活動しています。


――自己紹介ありがとうございます。それでは、Tord選手ご自身の参加されたポケモンWCSの大会で使われた「My Favoriteポケカ」と、そのポケモンWCSで強く印象に残っている試合などを教えていただけますでしょうか。

まず、一番印象に残っている試合は、アメリカのワシントンD.C.で開催された世界大会「ポケモンWCS2019」の準決勝の試合です。その試合で、僕はイトウシンタロウ選手と対戦したのですが、準決勝で元世界王者と対戦するなんて信じがたい経験で、プレッシャーに拍車がかかりました。その試合で僕が使用した、サポートの溶接工が忘れられないMy Favoriteポケカです。

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通称「Victory Star」あるいは「ReshiTales」と呼ばれている型で、キュウコンの特性で相手のベンチポケモンを引きずり出し倒していく、強力な炎デッキです。







日本のポケモンカードプレイヤーと対戦する時はいつも、正直ちょっと怖い気持ちがしますね。なぜなら、全体的なレベルがものすごく高いからです。それでも、対戦する機会があるときはとても楽しんでいますけどね! いつか日本のトーナメントに出場して皆さんと戦える日が来ることを夢見ています。

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――Tord Reklev(トード・レクレフ)選手、ありがとうございました!




Please introduce yourself.

My name is Tord Reklev.
I live in Norway, in a city called Trondheim.
My Twitch nickname is TordTCG, but most people just call me Tord.
I was six years old when I played the Pokémon Trading Card game for the first time. It was my mom that taught me how to play the game. I started to play competitively when I was 11 years old.
My current occupation is being a full time Pokémon player, writer and content creator, and I try to help others improve in how they play the game.

Which was a Pokémon TCG match at a Pokémon World Championships that you found the most impressive or memorable? What was the most memorable card used in that match? For added context, the match can be one that you participated in or one that you watched during the event. The memorable card is preferably limited to one standout example, but if needed, you are welcome to cite multiple cards.

In the 2019 World Championships, I faced Shintaro Ito in the semi-final of the event. Facing a previous World champion in the semi-final was an unreal experience for me and added even more pressure to a match that already had such high stakes. The most memorable card used in the match must have been Welder.

Why did you choose that card?

Welder is an incredibly efficient way of accelerating energies into play, so I wanted to play a deck that could use the power of Welder to its highest potential.

How did you use that card strategically?

I opted to use 18 Fire Energies in my deck. This was to make sure my Victini Prism star would be able to reach big knockouts, but it helped a lot with enabling Welder whenever I drew it. I also opted to use Welder as the only supporter in my deck list. Playing only four copies of Supporter cards was unheard of up until that point, which I think is pretty cool to look back at.

What deck did you use in that match?

I was playing Victory Star (also known as ReshiTales), which was a box of strong Fire-type Pokémon, and Ninetales as a way to drag up important benched Pokémon to knock out.

If the match and card you chose were not ones that you participated in or used, please make your own deck with the card selected, and share the details of this deck below. What would you say are the key features or highlights of the deck you created?

For the deck I used, I will say that Victini Prism star is the key component of the deck. It enables big knockouts and shuffles back the crucial Fire Energies. In the match against Shintaro it ended up as one of the last prize cards.

What are some of your favorite memories about the Pokémon TCG?

One of the fondest memories for me actually happened right after that Top 4 match. The top cut was played very late in the evening that day, and it made me so happy when I realized that all my friends were there watching and waiting for me to go to dinner. And even if I lost, we went out and celebrated my achievement.

Is there any message you would like to share with Pokémon TCG players in Japan?

The Japanese players are always scary to go up against, I feel their overall skill level is really high, and I always have a lot of fun! It is a dream of mine to one day play in a tournament in Japan.
